Open FIESTA (Open Faculty for Innovation, Education, Science, Technology and Art)is co-established by Tsinghua University and the Center for Research and Interdisciplinary in Paris (CRI) in June 2015. Open FIESTA is dedicated to integrate the global innovation resources, work towards the creation of new knowledge, explore the complex social or scientific problem, and nurture the students with a creative spirit, imagination thoughts and the sense of social responsibility.
By integrating global innovation intelligence, collaborating with top innovative institutes and companies, Open FIESTA will build worldwide creative and innovative open labs in the areas including innovation, education, science, technology, art and every innovative cross-area.
Open FIESTA will attract and train the top researchers from throughout the world and invite the most outstanding expert focusing on interdisciplinary and innovative research and education to be the leaders. Open labs will be staffed by faculties, research staffs, industrial expertise, managers and graduates as well.
A worldwide research innovation platform: open labs will support researchers to extend the boundaries of knowledge, explore the unknown and exciting research, and fosters worldwide collaboration among the university, research institute and company.
A mentor and consult academics: Our team is simultaneously dedicated and deeply committed to nurturing the most well-educated and qualified graduates, as helping students design their personal curriculum, developing high-efficiency and meaningful rotations, inspiring and supporting their projects.
Open FIESTA seeks to inspire and nurture the young people on the globe who are dreaming to change the world, offers them the opportunity to be bonded to an international innovative team and join a dynamic and creative community.
Each Open FIESTA graduates are permitted to design their own study plan, as curriculum, internship and project in various disciplines. The international mentor team is responsible to support the entire studying procedure. The graduates work in collaborative teams, consulted by the international mentor team and creative professionals, as to explore the vision, get the mixed professional guidance. Our graduates will be educated to possess the creative and unusual thinking, outstanding global perspective, entrepreneurial meta-skills and the social value. We would like to give the ability to solve the most complicated problems of the world.
We will build a social and clustering creation and innovation environment by organizing and participating international innovation activities, like a forum, innovation camp, competition etc. Our graduates are encouraged to be involved in the creative works and those activities to gain the innovative experiences. For high-potential works with the greatest likelihood, Open FIESTA will provide financial assistance, technology and business expertise support needed in an entrepreneurial system for the graduates to develop a market product. The partnership with industry, business, university, and the government will give the graduates chance to explore practical experiences and develop a dreaming career.
In the view of core values, Open FIESTA tends to build a global network with research and education institutions, companies and other organizations such as Oxford University, University of Geneva, USPC, SciencePo, United Labs, SZOIL, CHIC, Sage Bionetworks and BGI etc. The network will be widely expanded afterwards. The members in the network chasing a common purpose, will share the research, education, and social sources, face the challenges of our time, foster jointly next generation of outstanding innovative professionals, and build a collaborative innovation community on the globe.
Open FESTA will be a dynamic, stimulating, exciting place for studying, exploring and creating. We look forward to meeting you here.